The Utilities Board provides quality drinking water and sanitary sewer service for Ozark, Alabama’s 15,000 residents. The Board serves approximately 6,706 water users and 4,933 sewer users. Our staff of 20 dedicated professionals provides quality service to our customers, pumping approximately 2.38 million gallons of water each day from 8 deep wells and treating an average of 1.46 million gallons a day of sewage at our two wastewater treatment facilities. In 2001 the Utilities Board made a commitment to Ozark’s future by adopting a long-range 30-year Capital Improvements Plan to upgrade the public water supply system and extend and upgrade the sanitary sewer system. This plan is ahead of schedule and as of 2023 has cost approximately $ 18 million. Some of the achievements are listed below:
We have added sewage availability to 391 homes, an increase of 7%.
The shift to radio-read water meters in 2007 allowed a staff reduction of two employees thru attrition which saved $ 1 million over 10 years.
The $2.2-million Tuscaloosa aquifer well at Post Oak has the capacity to supply more than 50% of our daily usage and will allow Ozark to double in population without the need for additional water resources.
Converting our water and sewer mapping to GIS at a cost of $165,000 allows us to quickly locate our pipelines in most cases.
The Utilities Board has cleared over 100 miles of sewer right of ways at a cost of over $500,000. This allows us to monitor our system in remote areas to be proactive in preventing sewer overflows. Herbicide is sprayed each year to prevent overgrowth from reoccurring.
In 2013 the Board completed a $5-million bond issue to fund three improvement projects. Southside WWTP on Hwy. 123 south is 30 years old, and while the plant is operating at only 60% capacity, the operational equipment has reached its life expectancy. J&P construction began replacing the equipment in October 2013 at a cost of $ 2.2 million. On the second project, we replaced about 13,000 feet of galvanized 2-inch water mains with 4-inch PVC mains at a cost of $500,000. The old galvanized mains had become corroded and frequent leaks were badly damaging the streets in those areas. Now the city will be able to resurface those streets without fearing reoccurring damage. The third project was a $2.3 million sewer rehabilitation project. In 2018, The Board replaced $1.75 million in water and sewer mains.
In 2021 the Board received $2.0 million from a bond issue and will continue to upgrade additional water and sewer system mains.
Since 2000 our budget has grown from $ 2.1 million to $ 5.1 million but through careful planning, Ozark’s water and sewer rates are below the average cost in Alabama for 5,000 gallons used per month. Our cost for 5,000 gals. of water and sewer is $57.63 compared to the state average of $60.15.
AWPCA awarded the Utilities Board the Best Operated Water System for the 10th time in 18 years in 2018. We have won the Best Operated wastewater plant 7 times.
Awarded the AMIC Risk Management Gold Award 8 times, Silver Award 2 times, and the Bronze Award 1 time since 2005 when we began service with AMIC. The Utilities Board has had only 2 loss-time accidents in the past 15 years.
Developers, you can now access the Board’s water and sewer specifications on this website. We can also provide a digital format by contacting our office.We continually strive to live up to our slogan
Joe Sexton, General Manager

Effective November 1, 2023, the water usage rate charge will increase from $2.31 to $2.38 per 1,000 gallons for the first 2,000 gallons
and from $2.38 to $2.45 per 1,000 gallons for the balance of the water used. The water base charge will increase from $16.40 to $16.89 for single users and from $16.00 to $16.48 for multiple users.
The sewer usage rate charge will increase from $2.35 to $2.42 per 1,000 gallons of water used. The sewer base charge will increase from $15.99 to $16.47 for single users and from $15.58 to $16.05 for multiple users. There is a 25% surcharge for water and sewer outside the City Limits of Ozark.
Ozark Utilities Board customers can now pay their utility bills online 24/7 with a credit card, debit card, or ACH (eCheck). This service is provided through Pay N Seconds, a third party payment processor, specializing in secure bill payment options.
To make a payment through this service, simply click on the Click to Pay button below and you will be instantly directed to Pay N Seconds.
If you are using this service for the first time, you will be prompted to register a new Pay N Seconds account prior to making your payment. When registering your account, you will need your CUSTOMER # and PIN from your utility billing statement.
If you have more than one utility account with Ozark Utilities Board, Pay N Seconds allows you to add multiple utility accounts under the same login. Please register first with your main utility account.
Effective June 1, 2023 online payments must be submitted before 5:30 pm on the due date to avoid a late fee.
The Utilities Board of The City of Ozark intends to provide equal employment opportunity to all individuals and to employ applicants on the basis of their job related qualifications and performance potential without regard to age, sex, religion, race, color, national origin, political affiliation, or disability (except where age, sex, or physical/mental ability constitute a bona fide occulational qualification).
Did you know that Alabama is the richest state in the USA in terms of water? We have more rivers, lakes, and groundwater than any place in our country. 10% of all the water in the USA flows through Alabama. It is vitally important to us and our children that we do all we can to protect this most valuable resource. Contact the Alabama Clean Water Partnership to find out how you can be a part in protecting the watershed where you live.
A copy of the Consumer Confidence Report is also available at the Ozark Utilities Board
General Manager
Joe Sexton
Office Manager
Brad Powers
Asst. Office Manager
Yolanda Brooks
Moni Jacobs
Water & Sewer Service Supervisor
Terry Spivey
Wastewater Treatment Supervisor
Charles Grantham
Mike Brauer
Derek Dickens
Larry Clark
Brent Browning
Stanley Enfinger
Mayor Mark Blankenship
The Ozark Utilities Board meets the fourth (4th) Tuesday of each month at 5:00 pm in the Board room in the Ozark Municipal Complex.
Please call our office at (334) 774-2336 if you would like to be included on the meeting agenda.
According to the latest Hendon Engineering State of Alabama Water and Sewer Rate Survey, for towns with populations 10,000 and greater, for a customer using 5,000 gallons of water in a month, our water and sewer rates are lower than the state average. The Ozark Utilities Board is proud to report that our rates are very competitive with other communities of our size.
To rates and fees, please click here.
For our customer's convenience, we have a drive-thru payment window. Please limit your drive-thru transactions to no more than two accounts so as not to inconvenience others. There is also a payment depository at the drive-thru with payment envelopes if you have several transactions or if the window is closed.
We offer the option of payment by bank draft. This option offers convenience for our customers, eliminating the hassle of paying by mail or in person. You receive a monthly bill statement for your water/sewer bill that informs you that the amount due was automatically withdrawn from your bank account. See our Office Manager, Brad Powers, if you would like this option. We accept online credit card payments.
Table of Contents
Applicable Codes & Standards
Temporary Erosion Control
Replacing Paving & Sidewalks
Highway Crossings
Cast-In-Place Concrete
Precast Prestressed Concrete
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Table of Contents
Applicable Codes & Standards
Clearing & Grubbing
Temporary Erosion Control
Stormwater Permitting
Precast Manholes
Replacement Paving
PVC Pressure Pipe
Clay Pipe Sewer
PVC Sewer Pipe & Service Pipe
Above Ground Sewers
Highway Crossings
Mechanical Equipment
Submersible Sewage Pump Station
Sewer Service Connections
Ductile Iron Piping & Fittings
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